Monday, April 25, 2011

Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding-Lesson A-3 Air is a Substance

We are using a new science curriculum this year, Building Foundation of Scientific Understanding by Bernard Nobel.
There is a warning on the first page, "Do not treat this volume as a smorgasbord of random selections. As in math, lessons are arranged and designed to impart knowledge, understanding and skills in a logical, systemic order."

I like systemic order in lessons. Which is why I appreciate Saxon Math and Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons.

So far we have learned about organization and categories. How is a grocery store organized, your pantry, etc.
Then we learned the three states of matter: gas, liquid and solid. And also identifying the differences between them and how they may change from one to another.

And today we are learning about air as a substance. We had an introductory discussion the other day about how air takes up space and has weight (mass is reserved for discussion in future discussions after understanding has increased).

This morning we did 3 experiments.

1)Blowing up a balloon, air pushes out the sides of a balloon. Balloons are probably my children's most favorite toys after sticks and scooters.

2)Then we blew bubbles into a glass. Air(gas) pushes the water out of the way. Messy but again, right up their alley.

3)Take a clear plastic water bottle upside down and put it into a tray or flat bottomed bowl. I added food coloring to water so we could see more distinctly that when you put a bottle straight into the bowl (not tipped sideways) the water does not go into the bottle. The air in the bottle takes up space and pushes the water out of the way. After everyone recognizes this, then you can prick the bottle with a pin, it allows the air to escape the top (or rather the bottom since its upside down). The gas can escape and the water enter the bottom.

1 comment:

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